
We deliver worldwide!

The basic delivery cost is calculated automatically according to the weight of the parcel and its destination zone.

We have 3 zone categories (France, Europe and International) and 3 weight categories (-1kg, 1-2kg and +2kg)

Below are the prices according to these categories:

For deliveries in France: the basic rate for all shipments is €8.80, with free delivery for orders over €50.

For deliveries in Europe :

-1kg: €9
1-2kg: €13.5
+2kg: €18

For international deliveries :

-1kg: €15
1-2kg: €25
+2kg: €50

Please note that although in most cases the automatically calculated price will be the one you pay, we reserve the right to change this price to better reflect our costs. This may be the case for international deliveries, depending on the destination country and the products ordered. We will contact you directly by email to draw up a quote.


If you need an express delivery, please send us an email so we can make a quotation.